Advanced Program

The Advanced Program will not only teach you to be an expert in solar but also how to build and scale a successful solar team. This will include product knowledge, solar facts, sales operations, larger advances, project management support, and the highest commission.

Succeeding in solar takes time, preparation, and focus. This course will fully prepare you to enter an exciting and fulfilling career. Once the course is complete. You will be onboarded and given the necessary tech needed to start selling. You will have access to the best installers, finance companies, and warranties in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What is the average commission earned per deal? - Advanced Sales reps average 6-12K per deal depending on deal size & how the rep chooses to price the system.

What is the average solar deal size? While this varies per market the average system is around a 9 Kw system with an average sell price of around $40,000.

How long will it take to get my initial course investment back? Advanced sales reps will typically get a 2-4X ROI on just their first deal alone.

Does Mitt Solar give advances on solar deals for Advanced sales reps? Yes advances are sent out the following pay period after closing a solar deal.

How long does it take to finish the Mitt Solar Academy? Most students will finish within 1 week.

How many solar deals do most sales reps sell per month? An average sales rep sells around 4 deals per month. Top reps average 10-15 deals per month.

Highest Advances & Commission

The Advanced Program allows sales agents to get paid even quicker with larger advances on projects as well as the highest commission. This can help you grow your pipeline even quicker.

Top Installer Network

You will gain access to the top solar installers in the country. Have peace of mind knowing every customer is working with the best of the best. 

Relations Team & Project Support

The Advanced Program will include a specific relations manager to answer any of your questions & needs. As well as support on projects and the ability to sign up for full PM support.